Next Step Services is a private supported living provider aiming to deliver high quality support packages for young people aged 16-18 including care leavers.
Next Step Services provides immigration related support and human rights assessment for immigration purposes.


Next Step Services vision is one of continuity and high-quality service. We believe that all young people deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. We empower the wishes and feelings of young people who we support, by ensuring that a comprehensive assessment is completed by engaging the young person and assisting them in taking positive decisions be it short- or long-term goals. We always aim to employ life experienced staff who are handpicked because of their past experiences.


Next Step Services believes that every young person aged 16-18 has the right to be supported into a successful transition from childhood to adulthood, regardless of their background or circumstances. Next Step Services has an open-door policy and post 18 the young people can always return for practical or emotional support. Caring never ceases.
Our support is responsive and adaptable to the young peoples needs; we believe this is key to successfully meet the young peoples needs. Next Step Services believes that consistency and continuity builds trusting relationships with young people.